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I can help you!
Together through Somatic Healing, we can help your nervous system feel safe so you can get UNSTUCK and live the life you desire and deserve!
About Renee
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (Trainee) and Nervous System Coach
Our Services
Hear what my clients have had to say!
My Healing Journey
“Renee has been instrumental in my healing journey! Though I’ve been going to therapy for the past 20 years and while helpful, I’ve never come across anyone who gets to the core wounds like Renee has. Not only does she have such a huge heart but she holds so much space for you as she gently guides you through the inner work. She has helped me process through my Mother wound as well as other wounds from childhood, always nonjudgmental and always with kindness and grace.
People talk about living a different type of life. One I always imagined, filled with freedom and love and ease. It took me 40 years to find her but in the last 9 months Renee finally helped me come back home to myself. I’m so thankful to be back in my body and back to my authentic self.
This isn’t just talk therapy. She will guide you through the inner work as well as give you practical tips to take away and tools to help you process on your own. If you want to change your life but don’t know where to start, Renee will be the biggest blessing you didn’t even know you needed!”
Overcoming Your Inner Conflict!
“Working with Renee was a breath of fresh air! I came to Renee because I was struggling with conflicting parts of me–parts that wanted me to hide, tender parts that just wanted love, protector parts setting up walls and barriers, and a tough inner critic that pushed me around a lot. Renee guided me through such deep inner work to really understand and accept all parts of me and then work with them to come to greater balance and harmony within. After our time working together, I feel so much more grounded and centered in myself and can coach myself through inner conflict as it arises and continue to take steps forward in my life rather than staying stuck. I am so grateful to Renee for the compassionate, safe container she creates and I am so proud of where I am today thanks to the work we did together! Love you Renee and I highly recommend her as a coach!”
Feeling Safe
“Renee is a steady, compassionate, and wise mentor. When I work with Renee I feel completely safe experiencing my deepest feelings, which is a big deal since I grew up without expressing any of my feelings! She helps create a space where I can move through these feelings and come out stronger. One of Renee’s biggest gifts is her ability to bring humor and a sense of lightness to what can feel like heavy work sometimes. If you want to have someone to work with who can really help you get connected to your heart, I highly recommend working with Renee!”
One Powerful Package
“Coaching with Renee feels like having a big sister, fairy godmother, wing woman & best friend, all wrapped into one powerful package. I have made so many great strides in my life as a result of working with her. She is insightful, kind, and very intuitive. 11 out of 10 stars!”
Powerful Changes In Myself
“I have to share how life-changing my one-to-one coaching sessions with Renee Kohn have been. I recently finished my last session with Renee! She took me through the many layers of my own limitations with such ease that I didn’t even realize how powerful our work was until I was seeing changes The lightness that I began to feel week to week after our sessions are still with me! Early on I began dreaming, and I believed God began to use the inner work Renee and I were doing to shift some pretty big boulders out of the way that had been with me since childhood. Soon my openness which I believed was already there deepened… new experiences in my communication with men and all of my relationships began to become free and effortless, things I worried about before began to drop off and I believed new things with ease Not only was this affordable… it is one of the best investments I made in my life that healed many many parts of my soul… thank you, Renee! I am so happy I took the time to allow you into my life with our sessions! I love the vibrant, free, deepened connecting energy that I have discovered in myself and am living in every day with ease”
Continuing My Healing Sessions
“I wanted to share how deeply sessions with Renee have helped me, and in such a brief amount of time. Renee is genuinely warm, intuitive, supportive, encouraging, and overall amazing. I am grateful every day for the healing that Renee has brought to my life and am a better, healthier, happier person because of her. I have been able to release so much of what I had been carrying through working with Renee and look forward to continued healing ahead. ”