Breaking Free from Codependecy: 3-part Series


This is a package deal for the 3-part series focused on breaking away from codependency.


Included within this package is a 3-part masterclass with its description below:

  • Part 1: Understanding the Core of Your Codependency

When you can really SEE how your Codependency got created, reinforced, and programmed/conditioned into you–you can begin to unpack and dismantle it’s HOLD on you. That’s where your FREEDOM starts. In this Masterclass, I’ll teach you how to understand the core of your codependency to help you break free from it.

  • Part 2: The Secret of Shifting From Self Abandonment to Self Love

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Stop abandoning your own needs and your heart
  • Feel Comfortable in your body to Set Boundaries and say NO
  • Honor Yourself and Put your Needs FIRST in relationships
  • Experience a deep sense of SAFETY in receiving from others

I take you through SOMATIC EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISES  to increase your capacity to FEEL SAFE RECEIVING from others and yourself.

  • Part 3: The Six Steps You Need to Break Free From Codependency

This class will give you:

  • Confidence to believe in your value and worth
  • Comfort to come home to yourself
  • Peace inside to feel whole and complete exactly as you are
  • The ability to set healthy boundaries